Summer Intership

I'm hoping and waiting for something to sing
Like the angels in heaven, or the bums on the street
Hoping for love to find a new voice
The song that needs singing has already been sung before

2 Timothy 4:2 - Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage--with great patience and careful instruction.

These are words I will always want to live by... I hope you get a chance to follow me during the 10 weeks I spend in Richmond, VA at Church Hill Activities and Tutoring creating relationships and serving the Lord. I will try and update it on a daily basis so that you can follow my journey.

Thank you all for your prayers and support!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Corey and Don!

There once was a church in Church Hill called East End Fellowship with two pastors that did not resemble one another. The obvious was that Don was black and Corey was white, but more importantly Don was a man of emotion, prayer and inspiration and Corey was a man of level-headedness, the Word and teaching. They combined to make one of the most interesting duos I had ever seen. These men had conflicts, but came together as a body of believers and knew that one goal was most important, sharing the Gospel with the community of Church Hill, Richmond and anyone that would listen.

This is so foreign to me, but I have watched many authentic people come together for one common cause and the little things that normally draw people away from each other actually are a tool to learn from one another. The Gospel and the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection is not only the theme of the entire Bible, but it is the theme of CHAT and East End Fellowship. I am so happy to be around people who stand, boldly, for the same thing I do.

Well, that was just devotional time this morning! lol. A lot more happened within the day. Interns are placed with a “discipler” that they meet with once a week to motivate them and give them an outlet to examine themselves. My discipler and I had lunch and talked about why I was here and what the Lord has done in my life. I am so happy to have the person I have, because he is relaxed, not awkward, and just a really a man that I can relate to well. I am excited to get to get these times to communicate with him and know the Lord will use this time to make me a stronger, and better man for Him.

We finally got placed into where we will work for the summer internship. Drum roll please… I will be working in the entrepreneurship program with two high school students named AJ and Jaquon. There are 4 areas where they could place you (middle school day camp, high school mix, and with the elementary students). The entrepreneurship program is a little unique and only I will be working with these two boys. We will be working in a placed called Nehemiah’s workshop doing some carpentry (I know little about carpentry, but hey, if it was good enough for Jesus, then it is good enough for me!). I am excited about creating a relationship with these kids and hopefully God will use me to influence them for the Lord. I start on Tuesday and my blog from then on will probably be about these two kids and how this role is going for me.

Rest of the day was just kicking back at a BBQ at one of the pastors homes, throwing the football, sharing testimonies, and laughing (a lot of laughing!). Also saw the new X-Men movie with all the male interns. Bro Night! Girls were at a lock-in, with some EEF (East End Fellowship) girls, that we will be doing in the near future.

No blog for Saturday! It’s my day off. Thank Jesus for the Sabbath!

My cousin sent me a great verse to share with you guys!

Psalm 119:105 – “Your Word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path”

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